Star wars empire at war wiki planets
Star wars empire at war wiki planets

star wars empire at war wiki planets

( ENT episodes: " Babel One", " United", " The Aenar", " Demons") This helped lay the foundation for United Earth Prime Minister Nathan Samuels's creation of the Coalition of Planets the following year. In November of that year, however, Archer again thwarted their plans, uncovering evidence of Romulan involvement and unifying the Vulcan, Andorian, Tellarite, and Earth fleets against the drone ships.

star wars empire at war wiki planets

Seeking to instigate a war between Andoria and Tellar, the Romulans began using remotely-controlled drone ships capable of disguising themselves as foreign vessels to attack Andorian and Tellarite ships, forcing captured Aenar to control the ships. Undeterred, the Romulans immediately began a new program of covert destabilization under the leadership of Valdore i'Kaleh tr'Irrhaimehn, now an admiral in the Romulan Imperial Fleet. Whether or not V'Las's ties to the Romulans were ever uncovered has yet to be established.

star wars empire at war wiki planets

( ENT episodes: " The Forge", " Awakening", " Kir'Shara") As a result, the Vulcan fleet faced a resistant Andorian Imperial Guard, with the Andorran fleet assisted by the starship Enterprise (NX-01), and V'Las was overthrown in a coup led by Minister Kuvak and Syrranite leader T'Pau and assisted by Archer and T'Pol. In addition, then- Vulcan Ambassador to United Earth Soval revealed the forged WMD evidence to the Andorians. Unfortunately for V'Las and the Romulans, an investigation by United Earth Starfleet Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol led to the discovery of evidence exonerating the Syrannites of the bombing, as well as the ancient preserved writings of Surak (the founder of cthia). The V'Las government forged evidence that the Andorians were developing a weapon of mass destruction based upon stolen Xindi technology to justify a preemptive invasion of Andoria, and sought to discredit the pacifist Syrrannite sect by bombing the United Earth Embassy on Vulcan and framing the Syrannites. The Romulans and V'Las sought to instigate a war between the Confederacy of Vulcan and its longstanding enemy, the Andorian Empire, in 2154. ( ENT episode: " Kir'Shara") In 2151, Administrator V'Las was able to force the dismissal of the sitting First Minister out of office subsequent to the P'Jem scandal and seized power, putting Vulcan firmly under the control of the High Command - and, therefore, of the Romulan Star Empire. They began a program of covert infiltration of the government of the Confederacy of Vulcan, with V'Las, the Administrator of the Vulcan High Command becoming one of their agents. ( ENT episode: " The Aenar" ENT novel: The Good That Men Do)īy the 2150s, the Empire sought to expand into the area of the known galaxy that later came to constitute the core systems of the United Federation of Planets. Throughout that century, the Empire had adopted a program of unlimited territorial expansion and conquest so widely accepted that when then- Senator Valdore i'Kaleh tr'Irrhaimehn sought to publicly question it, he was expelled from the Senate and faced execution before fellow Senator and old friend Vrax intervened with the First Consul to have the Praetor spare Valdore's life. The Romulan War's origins lay in the program of covert expansionism adopted by the Romulan Star Empire in the mid-22nd Century. V'Las, Administrator of the High Command of the Confederacy of Vulcan and clandestine military intelligence officer for the Romulan Star Empire.

Star wars empire at war wiki planets